Physical Therapy

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Physical Therapy is a licensed profession that addresses orthopedic and neurological conditions. Preventative care, hands on therapy and home programs are prescribed after a thorough evaluation so that treatment is based on individual needs, rather than a “one size fits all” approach.

The Feldenkrais Method®

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Moshe Feldenkrais developed a unique somatic learning approach to movement utilizing simple, gentle sequences. Guided by a practitioner’s voice, Awareness Through Movement ® (ATM) Lessons can be done individually or in a group. Guided by a practitioner’s hands, “Functional Integration® (FI) Lessons” are given one-on-one. Both types of lessons help promote grace and ease within the body allowing movement with comfort. It is useful for any condition that affects the musculoskeletal system.

CranioSacral Therapy

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CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on technique that follows the rhythm of the nervous system. Normalizing the disruption or asymmetry of this rhythm can calm the body and alleviate pain and dysfunction. It is useful for chronic pain, headaches, and post-injury, including head trauma.

 Lymph Drainage

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The lymphatic system moves fluid through the body, helps detoxify tissue and supports a healthy immune system. Lymph Drainage utilizes a soft touch to map the fluid’s direction, depth and quality of flow, which can be impeded by surgery, trauma, infection, stress or disease. Treatment is designed to normalize any disruption or congestion in lymph flow. Lymph Drainage is relaxing and aids in many conditions which involve swelling or inflammation. Kinesiotaping, as shown, can be a useful adjunct to manual lymph drainage.

Mechanical Link


Mechanical Link, rather than treat symptoms, is designed to find the source of dysfunction in the body. Once identified, a gentle “recoil” of the involved tissue allows the innate wisdom of the body to normalize and begin the healing process.


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Tapping, based on the Emotional Freedom Technique(EFT), is an easily learned technique that helps bring to the surface and release old patterns that are interfering with moving forward in life, physically or emotionally. Utilizing the end points of acupuncture meridians, Tapping moves the energy of trauma held in the body allowing a new pattern to emerge.

Visceral Manipulation


Visceral Manipulation uses gentle, yet precisely directed pressure to restore movement in or around an internal organ that may have been compromised by surgery or trauma. Through fascia and ligaments, abnormal organ movement can have a direct effect on the musculoskeletal system resulting in pain and dysfunction. Correcting this imbalance by restoring full mobility to the tissue can reduce discomfort and improve overall health.

The world has gone virtual and so has Dragonfly! Although different from hands-on therapy, virtual sessions can be just as powerful for healing and transformation. Feldenkrais and Tapping, especially, can be taught both in individual sessions and classes. You can even learn to do self-lymph drainage!

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